The clothing traditionally worn by nuns, as a demonstration of their commitment to the Divine, is called a “habit”. I find it so interesting that this is the same word used to describe our patterns of behavior and daily rituals. Perhaps our “habits” are a kind of energetic offering to what we hold as most powerful in our lives?
It is an insightful exercise, perhaps sometimes a confronting one, to observe and reflect on what we are worshipping with our awareness. What are our habits? What do they express about the beliefs we are devoting our energy to?
There is the wise saying that “where your attention goes, your energy flows”. Directing our awareness towards something brings it to focus and strengthens our relationship with it. As our attention is perhaps our most valuable currency, it is very important to be aware of how and where we “spend” it.
The Merriam-Webster definition of a “habit” is a “usual manner or acquired mode of behaviour that has become nearly or completely involuntary”. A habit is formed when our energy and time is so consistently funneled into something that our bond with it becomes very strong. When our habits are supportive of the essential Love that we are, this relationship is reciprocal and energy-giving. Our habits nourish our communion with all of Life. They serve to remind us of the abundant flow of gratitude and generosity available. When our habits are diminishing in nature, this relationship is one of disempowerment. We are leaking energy or giving our power away to something outside of ourselves. When this is happening to such a degree that we are “under the influence” of it, what was once a habit has now grown into an “addiction”. Our will has become inverted and what we are devoted too, consciously or not, is our self-sabotage or destruction.
Broadly labeling or judging certain habits as “good” or “bad” is not particularly helpful. We are beautifully unique, dynamic and ever-changing beings. This means that one person’s poison will be another’s cure. That something nurturing at one point, could become draining at the next. A much more healing approach is to compassionately contemplate the energy at the heart of the habit.
What kind of tone or frequency is within the habit? Is the habit a response to what Love is asking of me? It can be surprising sometimes, what we are guided to pick up or put down through listening to our present heart. A certain level of trust, receptivity and courage is required to be this responsible. But we must try to remember that avoiding a choice is ultimately a decision to let something outside of ourselves choose for us. This is not about being perfect or shaming ourselves and our inclinations. This is about being very intimate and honest with ourselves because we are worth it. We deserve love and for our lives to be shaped by it.
Through communing with our wise heart, we can bring more intentional presence to our habits. We can flow with the natural rhythms and seasons of our spirit. Our life can become our canvas, where we consider the colors, the brush strokes, the quality of light. We can ask, “What does my life give meaning to? Are my habits reflective of what I truly value? Or do my current habits reveal something that is wanting to be transformed?”
Over the next few days, I invite you to simply observe your habits. What intention is seeding their energy? What do they amplify within you? Get really curious and compassionate. Is there a sense of supportive holding or more of a with-holding within them? A nourishing or a numbing? Do they encourage consistency or a need to control? Stillness or stagnancy? Simplicity or severity? Communion or contraction? Discipline or deprivation? Spaciousness or smallness? Very gently bring awareness here. Are there some that are more harmful than healthy? Are you giving your energy to something that you never, or no longer, wish to feed? Are you shaping your Life with love?
When we create habits from and of the heart, they are naturally healthy for us. Heart Habits guide us to become very present with the simple pleasures of Life so that we can be aware of the gift of Life itself. Our habits become the energetic offerings to the Love within us and all around us. Our life in its entirety becomes our greatest offering and, with it, so do we.
Blessings and love,